Traveling Woman over 50: Reignite the Adventurer in You!
Single, divorced, widowed or with a partner, there is one thing we all know: Life does not end at 50.
In fact, life and travel becomes quite liberating when you get to this age. You are free to explore, change your plans, be adventurous, inquisitive and have fun – all on your own terms.

Realistically though, as a woman, traveling does change as you grow older. Certain things (especially safety, relative certainty and a degree of convenience) become non-negotiable when going on a travel adventure.
We are donning our big girl knickers, tackling our fears and embracing travel after 50. Along the way we’ll be sharing some handy tips and advice – all from a woman’s point of view.

Actually a Leo, but should’ve been a Saggitarius. A mother of two grown-up children, Ros’ restless spirit and sense of adventure is leading her to push back her fears, explore her new-found independence and rediscover her inner strengths as a solo woman traveler. Capable and fun-loving…….but…..if you hear someone trip over a stone during a hike through the forest, you can be sure it will be Ros.
Des and Madeleine

After more than a decade of living, laughing and traveling together, we make a great team. Des is the realist who prefers to take calculated risks – but don’t dare her, she will take you up on it. She is also the “foodie” – if the chips aren’t made from real potatoes, we don’t go back to the restaurant. Madeleine is the optimist – stubbornly believing that there is a silver lining somewhere no matter what hits the fan. She is also quite handy to have around – she knows where all the toilet-stops are along the way when we go on a road trip.